Now Reading


Blah de Blah – first post. So this is supposed to be the new thing… Blogging. Hopefully it’ll be everything it’s cracked up to be. Hopefully it’ll be motivation for me to get my ass in gear and paint some minis! This blog will be a chronicle of all my work on miniatures and all my thoughts on the wargaming community. Scary, I know.

Things to come:
  • Commissioned work (fingers crossed!)
  • State of the Collection (list of my model inventory and their condition / status)
  • Marketplace (Haves and Wants, similar to )
  • How-to Articles on various things
  • My opinions about new techniques, tools and tricks
  • Lots and lots of pictures!!
I’m not trying to fill a niche or anything. I’m not going to try and turn this into a source of income. I’m not going to try and sell you anything, or convince you to buy anything. I’m just going to talk about what I like, what I dislike, and how I see things.
Keep your eyes peeled for more to come!
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