Tips ‘n’ Tricks #1

So, with over 5,000 hits I’d like to start a little segment: Tips ‘n’ Tricks. These will be hobby related, and things that will hopefully help you out a bit. I’ll also tag these posts accordingly, so they can be found later.
This first one is more Trick than Tip:
If you are using a topless container for paint stripping, fumes can be an issue. Especially if you live in an apartment, and it’s the middle of winter. You don’t have a garage, nor can you really afford to open a window. Here’s what I do:
I put my Solo cups into plastic bags. They seal in 95% of the smell, and also protect from a spill. You can re-use them or toss them as you see fit. Some care needs to be taken sealing them, I suggest practicing with water first so if you spill, no big deal.
Good Luck!
Bash Brothers