Malifaux: Guild
One of the side projects I’ve been working on that you don’t know about is a small Malifaux army. I’m looking to Malifaux to be a palette cleanser, game wise. So far I’ve gotten two games in, and they have been quite fun. The game exercises very different parts of your brain, while being very approachable for someone who is used to Warmachine/Hordes. In fact, the folks at Wyrd (who make Malifaux) used lots of the same terminology for their ruleset.
I don’t want this to be a primer on how to play Malifaux, I really just wanted to show you the models I’ve been painting little by little since Christmas. I started with the Sonnia Criid Guild Starter Box, and added a single model to bump myself to 25points even.
Here’s the models that come in the starter:

And the model I added to the Starter Box was an Guild Austringer, or, “Dude with Bird”.

I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. I think I forgot to do Sonnia’s hair, but other than that, I’m calling these guys done. They’re a solid tabletop quality, and for a game that’s currently nothing more than a distraction, that’s good enough.

Next Tuesday, I’ll have a more in-depth look at how you play the game, and my thoughts on it.
Can’t remember if I said it or not but those guys look great. We really need to do a paint play one Friday in the near future.
Agreed, Lots of folks at the store want to see 2-brush blending. Whenever I set up a paint day, I’ll be sure to broadcast it.
While I’m not a fan of Malifaux’s aesthetic as a whole, but…WOWZA! These are some great looking paint jobs.