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Ember Mage Update

Ember Mage Update

After the Wolf Pack, it was back to the SDE while I was waiting on my Wizard to sell.  The robe has been highlighted and shaded, and the eyes, hair and face are pretty much done.  I also managed to add some wood texture to the staff, and will be washing that with some watered-down brown ink soon.  Lastly, the base got some attention, but needs a good wash or some weathering powders before being called done.

With the wizard sold, I can move on in my PfP Challenge. I think some 40k awaits me. On the PP front, I’m really feeling the Legion of Aquablight, and I have a Scythean primed and on deck.

What’s on your painting table?

View Comments (2)
  • Very nice indeed Plarzoid. I particularly like what you’ve done with the staff.

    I’m trying to finish Venethrax at the moment ready for a tournament on Sunday.

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