Mugu’s TempleCon Picture Extravaganza 3
Here’s the long awaited third installment of Mugu’s Templecon Picture Extravaganza. Looks like he has a bunch of games he’s going to discuss! Enjoy!

Hello folks! Welcome back to the last of my TempleCon 2012 posts. While I didn’t grind through a ton of games like some people did at TempleCon, I did get in about six games that I clearly remember most of and another handful that I only vaguely recall. Of course, I realized when I started taking pictures in my first game, which happened to be against my friend Ken when I forgot something…
Me: Cool! My first TempleCon game! I’m just going to snap some pics… Ken: Good idea. Me: Yep, made sure to bring my camera so I could take lots of pictures. It’ll also make it much easier to remember my games. Ken: That’s a good idea. I brought a small notebook to write notes from my games in. Me: Ah, crap……I knew I forgot something.Or so the conversation went. I hadn’t planned on bringing you all full fledged battle reports, but I did want to have a bit more than just pics, so I’ll be going by my fragmented memory of what I do recall with the pictures.
The First to Fall
I had high hopes that my first game at TempleCon would be a crushing victory, setting the tone for the rest of my games at TempleCon. It did set the tone, but the majority of my games (at bit over half to be fair) were losses. There were a few things going against me this game, first was that up until this point, I have had zero experience playing against Retribution and second, I totally forgot about the scenario rules for the game.

The first game was on the Scrap Yard themed board. I thought I was doing fairly well in this game until Ken (who remembered the board rules) pushed one of the cars full of scrap through my unit of mechanithralls, killing all but one of them. I spent the rest of the game chasing his warcaster around the board while slowly losing models in my army.

Team Game versus Cryx & Menoth
Yes, someone’s clearly confused here. 🙂 Ken & I got a team game where he and I teamed up against two nice guys who were playing Cryx & Menoth. The cavern board was easily my favorite board that I played on. It had enough fun rules that added fun to the game without detracting from it. Easily one of my favorite parts of this game was a ghostly Phoenix walking through a cavern wall into an unsuspecting enemy deathjack. Ken and I came very close to winning this game.

Versus Khador
I managed to finally play one of the Lost Hemisphere crew by the name of Gypsy. He wanted to try out his army for the Midnight Madness tourney that night and I was more than happy to oblige him. And when he set his army on the table I couldn’t help but laugh at he slaughter that was about to commence…..all of it his. The game was essentially Ulhans versus soulhunters or light cavalry versus heavy cavalry, take your pick. I lasted until turn 3 before this happened:

So, yes, it was easily the most crushing defeat I had all con. It just proves that you’re bound to run into the one opposing army that’s going to crush yours and this was mine. He ran circles around the deathjack, rode down my soulhunters, and applied lance to the faces of my coven. However, he was *the* nicest guy to play against, though he honestly didn’t have any tips on how I could have done better against him other than to swap out the deathjack for something else, but even he admitted that it was just a bad matchup on my side. I wonder how he did at Midnight Madness?

Versus Skorne
I played a very intense guy who caught me as I was about to call it a night and we played a 25 point (IIRC) game back on the Scrap Yard board. I was hoping for a different outcome, but it wasn’t to be. I have to be honest, once I saw this –

– I thought I had the game in the bag….and then Master Ascetic Naaresh killed them all. He used a lot of fury to do so, but it was slaughter all around. As it turned out, I was his 83rd opponent of the con. It turned out he was trying to get enough Iron Arena points to trade in for one of the nicely framed art prints, which he eventually got, after 100 and some games. If I hadn’t been so tired, I would have loved to know how I could have done better against him, but all I wanted to do was sleep after that.

Versus Cryx & Menoth
One of the last games I played was a team game with Ken again versus two of my local players Danny (Cryx) & Jeff (Menoth), though thankfully (for us) the game went more in our favor and we pulled out a win. Unlike most of my games, my dice were rolling really well that game.

This was the only game where I didn’t already have a premade army list, which is why it was the only game where I brought bane thralls and my beloved bloat thralls.
Even when I lost, I had a great time playing all my games. I never once encountered someone who was a bad player (though a few could have benefited from a shower or two). In the end I managed to get a Cryx faction patch and some TempleCon dice with my points. Thank you all for following along through my TempleCon posts!
Did I play against you?
How many games do you usually get in at a convention?