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[PlarzChat] Live Hobby Q&A via Youtube

[PlarzChat] Live Hobby Q&A via Youtube

I mentioned earlier in the week that I was going to host a Google Hangout on Air on Saturday (tomorrow, Mar 1st), and, well, here it is:

The broadcast goes live at Noon (EST), and is scheduled to run for two hours. You can view it right here on this blog post, or by following the video to Youtube and watching there.

I’ll be working on my Extreme Behemoth Conversion and the Greylord Outriders.  I’ll be pinning, working with plasticard and greenstuff, and answering any of your model prep, assembly, and converting questions.

Along the way, I’ll be getting familiar with the Hangout software and working out any issues with the recording setup, so I appreciate your patience if there are technical issues.

Since a recording of the session will be up on my YouTube Channel afterwards, if you can’t make it but have a question you’d like me to address, tweet me and tag your question with #plarzchat, or e-mail me at plarzoid @ gmail . com.

I hope to see you tomorrow for the first PlarzChat!

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