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[Jr 2014] Ouch, that burns!

[Jr 2014] Ouch, that burns!

So, this was about all I got done last night, over about three hours.

One fist for Behemoth:


There was lots and lots of Jeweler’s Saw cutting going on to get the little buggers free from their original frame, and the small parts don’t have an easy way to dissipate heat, so they got hot.  Fast. As a result, my finger and thumb on my left hand are sore today from holding tiny parts while sawing away.


That said, I now have a good method for mounting them to the fist, and I have a good method for taking them off the frame.  You’ll have to wait for the tutorial to learn how, though.

Stay tuned for some battle reports from game night tonight, probably tomorrow or Friday.  I don’t have much planned for this weekend, save a hike on Sunday, so my hope is to get the Behemoth build done so I can start laying down paint by next week!

Speaking of weekend…

Google Hangout

If I were to host a Google Hangout while I worked on the Behemoth this Saturday, would anyone be interested in joining?

I have a HD webcam for showing you what I’m working on, and I can put up a chat room for you to ask questions, make suggestions or comments, or just chat with me while I burn more fingers off.

I want to use Google Hangouts in the future to do Q&A sessions for helping with 2-brush blending, pinning, what have you, much like what the Schnauzer Hour used to be.  Before I do that though, I need to do a few dry-runs to get familiar with the Hangout software and interface, and to make sure the format will work for you guys.

I figure this is as good a chance as any to test it out.

Let me know below!

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