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Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

Several local players have been asking me to bring in my hobby kit to help with magnetization, pinning and other hobby miscellany.  I really enjoy showing how to do things, and they enjoy having an active role in shaping their minis, rather than just bribing me with Diet Cokes and candy bars to do it for them.  It’s incredibly fun and rewarding to help them make their concepts a reality.

As a result of all this hobby talk, I’m getting asked what I use for pins, how to match up drill bits for pinning, what size magnets I use and where do I get them, etc, etc.  These same questions crop up on numerous forums fairly regularly, so it’s a common enough question that I feel it warranted some attention.

In an effort to give you a fast and easy to see what I’m using and give you immediate access to buying it for yourself, I’ve made an Amazon Associates store.  There’s a link up top in the nav bar, so you can access it any time – you won’t have to search for this post.


Most of the stuff in there is stuff I own and can confirm works and works well for me (hopefully, for you too).  The rest of the stuff is a best-guess as to matching what I have and what’s available on Amazon.  Everything in the store has a note from me about why I picked that particular item out of the many that Amazon stocks.

Be sure to check out all the categories on the right – each category has a separate set of items, so explore them all.


If you have any questions or suggestions, post them below!

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