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Updated Gallery

Updated Gallery

For a while there, the Gallery here was a slideshow of pictures of models that I had painted. Unfortunately, it took forever to load, and the slideshow wouldn’t let you view any of the pictures longer or go back, etc.

I’ve changed up the Gallery page to have static images so you can click and view larger versions, or scroll and look at your leisure.  The pictures are in a roughly chronological order: newest stuff up top, oldest stuff at the bottom.  The page now stretches from my newest work (the Freehand Cygnus and the Alt Journeyman Warcaster) to my very first miniatures, some Black Templar Space marines.

Lastly, this format lets me put down some thoughts on the minis, what techniques I was using at the time, and tell you a little about why they’ve earned a spot in the Gallery.

Go check it out up above, and drop a comment on your favorite gallery model below!

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