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Vallejo Game Air – New Airbrush Paint Line!

Vallejo Game Air – New Airbrush Paint Line!

Schnauzerface got his hands on an advanced set of new Vallejo Game Air paints.  He explains in the video that this is a sub-set of the Vallejo Game Color (VGC) line, all re-formulated with finer pigments and thinned down for use in an airbrush.

With 48 paints in the line, and an MSRP (according to The War Store), the entire set will likely retail for $150.

Needless to say, if they’re as magical as Schnauzerface says, I’ll be hoping for a set to appear under the Christmas tree…

Audience Participation

What’s your favorite paint line and why?

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  • I saw this video as well and thought the review was pretty good. I only have one Vallejo air paint and its okay, but I don’t have anything to compare it to.

    My favorite paint lines are P3 and Reaper. I have the Vallejo Game Color suitcase, but I don’t use them much as the paint rubs off too easily and some of them act funny if they’re too watered down.

  • The video looked pretty good, I am planning on trying out a couple of the colors when they come out. I won’t buy them all at once, as I almost did with Badger’s Miniataire paints. Thankfully, I only got a couple and trued them out, they really are not something I liked, for either airbrushing or paint on. I am hoping this one comes out well, as I could use a paint set made for airbrushing.
    My favorite paint line is still Vallejo Model Color. For me it is a great benefit, as I mostly paint historical miniatures, and their selection is great for that very purpose. I do have some of the Vallejo Game Color line, and am okay with them. I like their color choice, but I infrequently get bad batches of paint. Either they are too thin, and don’t mix, or the finish is different per bottle. I need paint lines that are going to have very little variation between paint bottles, and Game Color I can’t really rely on. I have the whole P3 line, that I use for my fantasy/steampunk/sci-fi paint jobs. I basically use Model Color for historical, and P3 for everything else, there is some cross over, but those are usually browns.
    So all in all, I hope this new line works well, and would like to get the whole set, just not until trying it out.

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