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Finished Commissions!

Finished Commissions!

Here are the three commission minis I managed to finish up this weekend. Click the pictures for bigger versions.

First up, the two D&D Characters, Lorelei and Sarona. The bases were made from GreenStuff, and sculpted with a standard spade type tool. I then used a small ball of aluminum foil to texture them. After adding way too much texture, I squished the GS onto a box lid to flatten most of it out. One more gentle texture later, and I have what look like worn flagstones. Once solid, I used a hobby knife to cut out a random stone on each and dropped in some flock for sand. Yay, visual interest!

They were painted with Greatcoat Grey (P3) then washed with Nuln Oil (GW). I then gently drybrushed them with Greatcoat grey and then London Grey (VMC 70.836). I picked a direction for the torchlight to be coming from, and 2-brush blended some Exile Blue (P3) onto the back half of the stones to add a directional shadow. The front of the stones were given a light glaze of Ember Orange (P3) and then Heartfire (P3).







Madrak didn’t need much else to finish him off. The runes on the axe are Necrotite Green (P3) and Morrow White (P3). His base was done using flock and bulk craft paint (Liquitex Basics) Burnt Umber, then Raw Sienna, then Unbleached Titanium. Add moss and vegetation to flavor.




Done, done and done! Stay tuned for some updates on the YT-1300 conversion project, and the final version of the Eldar Guardian I showed you last time.

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