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[Showcase] Sunset Retribution Army

[Showcase] Sunset Retribution Army

I had the pleasure of delivering this army to its owner last weekend.  It was a long haul, and many things were learned, and in the end, it’s quite the sight to behold.

Items of note:

  • Helynna’s flourescent pink mowhawk
  • Imperatus’ action pose
  • 24 friggin’ Sentinels
  • Sylys Wyshnyllyr (painted in about two days)

Click for bigger pictures.

Miscellaneous Thoughts:

Adding high contrast lines to the weapon blades really helps them stand out, and helps broadcast the unique design of Retribution weapons.  The Imperial Blue tint really shuts down the initial black-to-white contrast, and it would be too subtle to be seen unless you were examining a model individually.  I was originally worried the lines would be too much, but seeing it across a whole army – I think it works nicely.

I really enjoyed not having to build bases, only paint them.  There’s a whole discussion to be had about the benefits and costs of DIY versus resin bases, but from a time-savings stand point, being able to generate 30+ finished bases in two or three evenings is fantastic.  I’d finished the models, and needed to base them, and before I realized it, they were done – and they look great.

Yes, I photographed them on my Khadoran Trenchworks terrain set.  Because this is my blog, and it’s all about me.

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