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Another batch of models are done!! Yay!!
(Be sure to click the pictures, they’re friggin’ huge!)
There’s a unit of Nyss Hunters here, converted using bits from Games-Workshop’s Wood Elves models. The conversion work was done by good buddy, @cutthroatcure. The only work I did on them was swap out all the swords for Nyss Hunter blades, and paint. The client wanted them to be inspired by the White Walkers from Game of Thrones, so they were done in muted blues with a slightly warm final highlight. We also kept them very simple, they’re 70% airbrush work.
On this side, we have the Dragoon solo, Skeryth Issyan and the dismounted version. I personally love shields, so I had a blast painting the shield here and calling out the emblems on it and the horse. There’s also a unit of Spears of Scyrah, led by Eyriss3. These girls were done in a largely greyscale scheme – something fun and different for Mage Hunters in this army. Lastly, Elara1 with her neon pink hair leads her new Harpy in to battle. (I think that one’s the Harpy… I don’t know what they are or what they do, I just make them look good.)
Aaaaand over here, we have the big boss himself, Vyros! His bird is painted like a peregrine falcon, black/blue on top and a creamy brown underneath. He’s flanked by some jacks – a Siren and a Banshee. They’re orange. What else do you want from me?
Up next is something completely different. Stay tuned!