Aquablight Color Palette

Suck it up, ‘zoid I’m sick of playing with bare models, and I have as…

State of the ‘Zoid

It’s been nearly a month since my last update.  Here’s what’s been going on: Life…

[Studio Update] Armored YT-1300 Commission

A while back, a buddy of mine (Northblade of Hobby Hysteria) ran across this awesome…

[Nova Open 2014] Pic Dump: Infinity

Infinity, the Game is a huge fan of the NOVA Open, and they sent some…

[Fun with 40k] Clint’s Tau Vol 2, Part 1: Troop Surge

Clint is back again discussing his Tau endeavors as we get ready to begin the Ceres…

[HtT] Painting Fire (YouTube: Painting Buddha)

I had a funeral last weekend, and I have a wedding next weekend, so there’s…

[HtT] StrikingScorpion82’s Painting Method

As the 40k bug continues to nibble away at my painting time, I find myself…

Studio Update – 8/22

It’s been a slow week or two here on the blog, but not so in…