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Weekend Update

Weekend Update

So, pretty busy weekend, but not much model progress.  Saturday started off with a miniature gaming swap meet – made some trades, sold a few things and made a few friends.  Saturday night saw my wife and I all dressed up and going to a local theater production of Oklahoma at Arena Stage.  Thanks for the free tickets Eric!  It was a blast, and was very fun.

Sunday started as a ‘clean the house’ day but was quickly derailed by going to go see Megamind!  A pretty funny movie, we enjoyed it.  Thanks for the free tickets Andrew!  (My friends are awesome!)  After some very tasty beef stew, I hunkered down with a pair of movies and finished the Circle battlebox I’m working on.

Sadly, the camera batteries were low, so I only got a few shots.  Perhaps I’ll have better ones tomorrow.  Anyway, here’s the last Argus:

And a battlegroup shot:

pKaya and the Feral Warpwolf have arc marking in brass on their base rings, but since the Argii have 360° front arcs, they don’t need arc markings. The three newer models need to get static grass, and all four need to be sealed, but I’ll await final approval before the ‘Ardcoat.

I think they all turned out pretty darn well!

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