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IKRPG Models

IKRPG Models

My IKRPG group is nearing the conclusion of our first chapter of the adventure, so the pressure was on for me to get Sergei and Lefty painted up.  They went under the airbrush (Vallejo Surface Primer) at the same time Reinholdt did, just last week.

This is, by far, the fastest I’ve painted.  Three models in under a week!


Sergei’s flesh is a base of P3 Khardic Flesh, which has a nice tanned feel.  I wash it thoroughly in P3 Flesh Wash, and then reclaim the basecoat, leaving the shadows under the effect of the wash.  I highlight with P3 Midlund Flesh.

The jacket and outer pants (chaps?) are basecoated with browns (P3 Beast Hide and P3 Bootstrap Leather), washed with GW washes (Gryphonne Sepia and Ogryn Flesh), and then picked back out with the basecoat, and then highlighted with the next lighter brown (P3 Hammerfall Khaki and P3 Beast Hide).

Similarly, the backpack and inner pants are basecoated with P3 Hammerfall Khaki, and then washed with Gryphonne Sepia.  The highlights are P3 Menoth White Highlight.

Seeing a pattern?

For complex, wrinkled cloth, I prefer this basecoat -> wash -> reclaim -> highlight method.  It’s quick and yields great results.


Lefty was done with mostly 2-brush blending, which is much easier to do on the larger areas.  The grey is P3 Ironhull Grey, darkened with P3 Thamar Black for the shadows, and lightened with P3 Menoth White Base for the highlights.  The dark red / purple is P3 Sanguine Base darkened with P3 Exile Blue, and lightened with P3 Menoth White Base.

Teh metals on both models are P3 Pig Iron washed with P3 Armor Wash, and then drybrushed carefully with the basecoat color.  The bronze is my usual recipe.

The canister on Lefty’s back is based with P3 Ordic Olive.  The shadows are P3 Cryx Base Base, and the highlights are P3 Ordic Olive mixed with P3 Menoth White Base.

Lastly, the bases are DragonForge bases, and done with P3 Ironhull Grey and a heavy wash of P3 Armor Wash.  I then drybrushed the bricks with the basecoat.

Up next are some Merc solos: Gorman and Swamp Gobbers, followed closely by another Cygnar unit and ‘jack, though I’m not sure which ones exactly…

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