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Imperial Fist Test Model v2

Imperial Fist Test Model v2

Ok, so the first try with straight Badab Black went horribly.  I’ve stripped the mini, primed white and tried again. I followed the same steps as the previous try, but the wash here used the following mixture as a wash:

1:1:2 – Badab Black : Gryphonne Sepia : Water

I also carried the drybrushing from the base onto his boots to help continue the “in the midst of battle” look the semi-dirty wash gives. I hate seeing pristine paint jobs on war-torn bases. I always feel the model looses cohesion.

I was also told the eye lenses on the previous incarnation lacked depth, so this time I’ve ten them up from Blood Red through Blazing Orange to just a touch of the Sunburst Yellow used on the rest of him. I think it really helps tie the red to the yellow and give a slight glow effect.

Here’s the (much better) result:

Unfortunately, I don’t have any Imperial Fist decals to put the logo on his shoulder.

What do you think about the model?

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