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Pig Mans!

Pig Mans!

Oink!  Oink!  Squeeee!

So, with the delay of the OGJ group, I can shift my focus onto the next thing in the queue…  Helping a friend for Templecon!  He’s running a Carver Theme force, and will have lots of Brigands!  I’m in charge of painting a full unit in order to help him meet the deadline.

These were supplied assembled and primed black, and with the barrels drilled out.  An hour and a half of not very focused basecoating, and the metallics are blocked out:

Reeeee!  Reeeee!

Since the rest of his force is done with P3 paints, I’ll have to do my best to match them with my Citadel paints.  However, since I am doing a whole unit, a bit of variety will help differentiate the troops on the battle field!

More tomorrow!

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