Mugu’s WIP’s
Howdy! Here’s Mugu to discuss all his current projects, and his goals about getting them done.
My painting desk is never short on models that are in various stages of progress. To make matters worse (and to keep myself motivated) I like to do painting challenges such as the slow-grow league we had here not long ago and currently over at the WAMP painting site, not to mention the upcoming holdiay and TempleCon.
While I’m not currently planning on signing up for any of the tournaments at TempleCon (I’m planning on spending my time in the casual play Iron Arena) I do prefer to play with painted models. So have I set myself up for failure?!?! Perhaps…..but we’ll see how things come along.
Before I get to the models in my current painting que, I do want to say that I’m going to be taking my own advice and really try to get those 10-15 minute (or less) spots of time spent painting. I’m also going to try to make some kind of plan to the madness. But “Wait!”, you say!? How can you have a plan when you paint in small bursts and some longer periods?!? Good question. I’m going to use The Plan as my guide and see how it goes, but remember that the small painting bursts aren’t meant to replace longer periods of painting, only to supplement them. Now on to The Plan:
Model: Sisters of Battle Squad
(Games Workshop)

Due date: None
Notes: I started this as a favor to my good friend Ken earlier this year…..and totally flubbed the due date as I got in over my head with other painting projects and moving into my new house. Hmmm, am I heading into another flubbed date? I hope not.
Status/Progress: I need to paint their hair and backpacks and make a base for one of the models.
Model: Soda & Candy for Super Dungeon Explore
(Soda Pop miniatures)

Due date: 19 December & 23 December
Notes: One of my three painting challenges over at WAMP. It also is my daughter’s birthday present to go along with the Super Dungeon Explore I got her for Christmas.
Status/Progress: Not started, need to wash, take off any mold lines, and prime. I’m probably going to follow the colors in the Super Dungeon Explore rulebook.
Model: Nightmare
(Privateer Press)

Due date: 27 January 2012
Notes: A model I converted a while ago to be jumping/leaping. I’m going to enter this into WAMP’s WAMP II painting contest as well as a regular painting contest there as well. I’d also like to use this in my Cryx army more often and prefer to play with painted models.
Status/Progress: Prepped, primed, basecoated, and I’ve done some of the painting on it already. I want to add tenticles coming out of the grate and cobblestones around the grate as well.
Model: Wereshark Pirate
(Reaper Miniatures)

Due date: 3 January 2012
Notes: My third challenge over at WAMP.
Status/Progress: I need to look through my models that has one with an animal for this challenge. This (other than the odd bat and spider) is the closest I have to an animal for this challenge (Animal is the theme).
Model: Soulhunters
(Privateer Press)

Due date: None (but before TempleCon)
Notes: I want to use a Witch Coven Tier list at TempleCon that allows me to use two units of Soulhunters ’cause I think it will be fun and unexpected.
Status/Progress: I painted up one soulhunter a while ago and had the rest of the unit for just as long. I got a second unit through some trading over at Bartertown recently.
Model: Carnivean
(Privateer Press)

Due date: None
Notes: This is a gift I started early in the year for a friend in southern California. Its really close to being finished. Okay, after taking the model off the shelf I had it on, its clearly not even close to being finished, BUT at least the skin is mostly done.
Status/Progress: I need to paint the scales and mouth, permenantly attach it to its base (or not, depending on if I think it can survive shipping intact) and add snow to the base as well.
What do you have on your painting table?