[40k] Tau Battlesuit WIP

I’ve had my eye on painting some Tau models for a while. While I’m not a huge fan of GW’s various price hikes and lack of game balance, the amazing background and gorgeous models are undeniable. The Tau have held my attention since they first came out years ago. I remember picking up a copy of White Dwarf and some Space Marines at my LGS when I was super young, and making my dad turn around and go back so I could buy the codex that had just come out.
Anyway, a while back I had done up a Tau Gun Drone as a paint scheme test. I used P3 Bloodstone as the base for the brown, and P3 Meredius Blue for the aqua. Here, I’ve changed the highlight for the Bloodstone from P3 Rucksack Tan to P3 Heartfire mixed with a little Bloodstone, thanks to the recipe that kommander_redfinger used for some commissioned trolls in this thread.
Anyway, I’ve started working on the shadows and highlights on the battlesuit.

Libby is the best part 😉
It’s always nice to see gradients on 40k models. I remember most people just doing edge highlighting on the Tau, but this looks much nicer I think.
Thanks! I think the hard edges of GW models really work well with edge highlighting, but I also think the abundance of flat surfaces makes blending on them fun and challenging. I haven’t done Edge Highlighting in a long time either, so that’s a new experience.
The shadows and highlighting on that crisis suit are amazing! What’s your technique for getting such a smooth gradient? It looks almost airbrushed, but it seems too precise (though that may just be because I’m such an amateur with the airbrush).
2-Brush Blending. I’m hoping to get a video on how to do it done soon, but there’s lots of house work with the new house and new puppy, so time’s limited right now.
I *wish* I could be that precise with an airbrush!