Templecon 2014 Games, Day 1

I sit now, in a very cold hotel room in the wastes of the great…

Convergence Unboxing

Here is the Iron Mother, Corollary and the Assimilator Kit Better pics when I can.

TempleCon Coverage, YouTube and Goodies!

TempleCon Coverage I’ll be attempting to live tweet the Keynote, for what it’s worth.  I’m…

Harkevich it is!

Winning by a fair margin over Baldur, it looks like there is more Khador in…

WGI Speedpaint

As Templecon grows near, I’m attempting to accomplish a painting milestone for me. Finish a…

Journeyman 2014: Where to start?

So, I’m not going to make the Khador deadline I had set for Templecon 2014.…

Reblog: Journeyman Tips

Ron, over at Mini Armies, Huge Time Sink has several great tips for those heading…

Masterclass with Meg Maples II – Mugu’s experience

2013 was a hell of an emotional ride, but attending Meg Maples’ class at my…