Picture of Project Clock Spider

Click it to hear how Northblade’s time was at Templecon.

Project Clock Spider

Project Clock Spider was a joint effort to surprise Northblade (of Hobby Hysteria) with a…

[How-to Tuesday] Freehand Cygnus

I know this is coming out late in the day, but since it’s still Tuesday,…

Templecon Swag!

Conventions are one of the best ways to try out new games, catch up with…

Templecon 2014 Games, Day 3

Warning:  This post contains about 40 pictures, and may take a bit to load. After…

Mission Accomplished

Concept Art obtained. Battle Reports tomorrow.  Exhausted.

Templecon 2014 Games, Day 2

After the PP Keynote, I grabbed my Khador and headed down to the game floor.…

Rollin’ Bones Goreshade1 Unboxing

Lots of dice on this guy!