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Carnivean WIP

Carnivean WIP

Alright, so I definitely missed my weekend goal of finishing the Carnivean.  It’s not because I got lazy… The weekend was far more adventurous than anticipated, honest!

We had planned on going to see HP7 Sunday morning, but it was sold out instantly, so we waited around for about 2 hours to see Red.  After that, we ventured into the District (Washington DC) to enjoy dinner at Five Guys, followed by about 2 hours of exploration at the Smithsonian American Art Museum / Portrait Gallery.

What I was able to get done between Sunday and last night was this:

The armor has quite a bit more shading after a wash with Asurman Blue and after that dried, I brought non-recessed areas back up to the base coat color, Hawk Turquoise. The next step is to highlight with 1:1 turquoise and white followed by pure white. Hopefully I’ll have half that done tonight.

Also, the gums are 2 layers of Warlock Purple with a Baal Red wash.

Here’s also what captured some of my attention last night. See if you can guess what’s going on (excuse the hurried cell phone picture)…

View Comments (5)
  • You were playing with Myrmidons instead of focusing on Carniveans? RAWR!

    As an aside, I enjoy 5 Guys.

  • Thanks guys. I didn't realize the links on the pictures were broken. They're fixed now.

    I'm hoping to wrap up the Carnivean and the rest of the Shredders this long weekend. We'll see if it happens…

  • I'm really looking forward to this guy. The shredder looked awesome (by far my favorite paint scheme that you've done) and I can't wait to see it develop on a larger model! I suppose there are a lot more Fringe episodes in your future so you can power through the painting this weekend 🙂

  • Actually, there's only about 3 more I haven't watched yet. I have lots of other shows to catch up on though!

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