Carnivean Conversion Done

So, I was so stoked about this project, I just kept on going.
It’s subtle, but sometimes the simplest conversions look the best. I hope this falls into that category. I went back to an original forearm. There was too much work involved for not enough gain. Besides, with a completely changed flipper, no one will be looking at the forearms anyway. In my opinion, he looks as if he’s in mid stride, looking for a target.
So you can see all the alterations were done on one side. The rear leg was extended just a bit, looking like it’s pushing off the ground, and the arm on the same side bent roughly 45 degrees forward and about 20 degrees inward, adding a forward swing motion.
The greenstuff on the arm looks bumpy, but I assure you, it’s sculpted to look like folds of skin. Hopefully it’ll look good when painted.
He and the rest of the OGJ crew will get paint tomorrow. I’ll be doing double duty by attempting to write a spray painting tutorial while I prime them. In mid-winter. In an apartment building. I’m still not sure how I’ll pull this off.
Wish me luck at the tournament tomorrow!
Very nice conversion. The Carni is a bit of a pain to assemble. And doesn't really look all that menacing IMO. But this guy looks really like a Nightmare coming at you.
Great Job!
Good luck at the tourny!
Really nice conversion! I love it. Good luck at the tournament!