Aquablight, Reinterpreted
So, the resounding opinion on the blue and off-white is that it’s cool, but not quite as inspiring as the Aquablight, and I agree. It wasn’t difficult to paint, and isn’t too detailed either. It wasn’t terribly *fun* to paint.

So, those shredders will forever be a fun experiment, but nothing more.
I looked around for a small Legion model I could experiment on, and stumbled upon my metal Alt Lylyth. She doesn’t have much skin showing (well, she does in certain places…), but there wasn’t really adequate room to test out a skin recipe. Not like I’ll need to for the beasts, which have lots of skin to paint. I have a Stinger primed and ready to go though, so
For reference, here’s the Battlebox I painted roughly a year ago.

Anyway, I found that Meridius Blue is a very close approximation to GW’s Hawk Turquiose. I also found an old post where I went over how I did the skin. I swear, one of the best things about having a painting blog is that I usually have a record of my recipes somewhere…
Speaking of, here’s the recipes I ended up using on this new Lylyth model. Most of the blends were 2-brush blends, but the white on the hair pins, arrows, trinkets and bow were glazed.

- Basecoat with Ironhull Grey
- 1st Highlight with 50/50 Ironhull Grey and Midlund Flesh
- 2nd Highlight 50/50 previous layer and Midlund Flesh
- Wash with Armor Wash
- Pig Iron Basecoat
- Wash of 50/50 Turquoise Ink and Water
- Pick out the raised bits with Pig Iron
- Highlight with Cold Steel
Belt, Hair Wraps:
- Basecoat with Sanguine Base
- Highlight with Sanguine Highlight
- Final Highlight with 60/40 Sanguine Base and Carnal Pink
- Basecoat with Molten Bronze
- Wash with 50/50 Brown Ink and water
- Highlight with Molten Bronze
- Paint light reflections with Solid Gold
- 3x coats of Meridius Blue
- 1st Shade with 50/50 Meridius Blue & Cygnar Blue Base
- 2nd Shade with 50/50 previous layer and Exile Blue
- 1st Highlight with 50/50 Meridius Blue & Arcane Blue
- 2nd Highlight pure Arcane Blue
- Basecoat with Thamar Black
- Highlight strands with Beaten Purple
- Highlight where light would catch with 60/40 Beaten Purple and Morrow White
- Highlight smaller with 50/50 previous and Morrow White
- Highlight brightest reflection points with Morrow White
Feathers, Hair Pins, Bow, Arrows & Trinkets:
- Basecoat with Morrow White
- Wash with 50/50 Turquoise Ink and Water
- Highlight with Morrow White
So, there is it.
What do you think?
Dude, I love it! Especially the hair and little details.
The inside of the armor (the turquoise ink washed parts) look a little greenish to me, but that may just be the pictures. Maybe needs some more glazes of the turquoise?
Hello friend,
I am a rather recent player to Warmahordes, and just recently acquired a Legion battlebox. Although I am quite new, I\’ve had a lot of practice on the 70+ points of my green Khador paint scheme, and learned some of the techniques.
Unfortunately, my painting skills are still unpolished and I would need some help. Indeed, seem to have fallen in love with your Aquablight paint scheme, and I would be very happy if you would share your paint scheme recipe with me!
Thanks in advance, any help will be greatly appreciated!