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[Aquablight] Flying Death

[Aquablight] Flying Death

Damn, the Wordpress Dashboard got dusty while I was away.  Sheesh.  I’ll have to be better about that.

Anyway, I’ve been doing things and stuff, and didn’t have anything worth sharing for a long while.  However, recently I’ve painted some things and thus I finally have something that I can share!  Yay!

Here, pictures:


I started Aby2 way, way back as a model I wanted to include in my TempleCon prep at the beginning of the year. She was a fairly new model then, and she ran beast heavy like Thag1 does, so she was a natural sub for variety in iron Arena. She made the trip, and flew around the hall with me, but never saw table time.


Well, she’s been seeing a lot more table time around the LGS. I’ve really enjoyed playing her, but I’ve yet to really master her. I’m planning on playing her as a primary choice for the near future, so keep a look out for a battle report, perhaps?


Ok, so her hands are huge. I can’t not talk about her hands. THEY’RE MASSIVE. Massive, oversized man hands.

Yeah, I get that she’s an abomination. She’s part beast. But seriously. Those hands are larger than her head (minus the horns).

Oh, here’s a flying family shot of the other guys that shared the painting table with her. Aren’t they adorable? Cute lil’ bumbleblights!



Go ahead, you tell them any different.

View Comment (1)
  • Well done. I really like the wings on the bumbles and her eyes and teeth. Maybe it’s just the lighting but her skin looks like it could use some more shading–it comes across as very gray.

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