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Top Hats and Titans

Top Hats and Titans

Hey!  An update!  I decided to try my hand at making a Top Hat.  Tell me what you think!

I also finished assembly on the Bronzeback!  He went together much easier than the Gladiator.

Lastly, the Cetratii are on their bases and carrying shields.  The weapons and shoulderpads will go on after I get my brass rod in the mail for weapon shaft replacements.  Yes, there’ll be a tutorial when I do so!
So, tell me what you think of the Top Hat!!
View Comments (4)
  • That's one good lookin' top hat man! Now I can't wait to see it painted!!!!

    You're Skorne is coming along nicely too! The Bronzeback is one of favorite models, you were going with the traditional color scheme if I remember right yea?

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