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Lord Tyrant Hexeris WIP

Lord Tyrant Hexeris WIP

As I mentioned last time, I’ve been painting Lord Tyrant Hexeris.    His armor’s a bit more intricate than pMorghoul’s, so I’m taking a slightly different path.  On Morghoul, I put down red first, got my reds done and them moved on to the metallics.  This time, I started with the metallics, and I’m going to do my reds last.  I have lots of infantry coming up, and I’m hoping this method will be a bit faster, since I won’t have to be so careful with the 3-4 coats I need to get good metallics.

Anyway, enough jibber-jabber.  Pictures!

So, obviously quite a bit of that armor will be red, but by doing the bronze all at once (over a Boltgun Metal base) let me do the two solid coats Bronze needs very quickly.  I’ll then be super careful doing my reds, which I have to do anyway since I’m glazing.  I’m hoping that overall, it’ll be faster.
View Comments (2)
  • I'm curious, why do you do your bronze over the boltgun metal base? I generally do my metals over a black base. Does the boltgun metal help the bronze standout more?

  • It just covers better for me. It's a habit I've maintained I painted Space Marines. GW Dwarf Bronze is a bit thin, so the silver gives it a bit more body. *shrug*

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