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Paint it Pink Test Scheme

Paint it Pink Test Scheme

This weekend’s project was to iron out the Black and Pink Khador scheme for my Paint it Pink army.

I ended up stopping by LGS Huzzah Hobbies, and picking up some P3 paints: Murderous Magenta, Carnal Pink and Shining Gold.  I also snagged a Windsor & Newton 7 size 3 brush, which proved to be awesome while base coating. It has a huge reservoir to hold the paint and really gave me a smooth basecoat on the large surfaces of the MoW.
Enough chit-chat, here’s the model, a Man-O-War Demolition Corp grunt:

The pink areas are two coats of P3 Murderous Magenta over a GW Foundation Astronomicon Grey base (so that the pink didn’t have to try and cover the black primer).  I then used a mixture of 3:1 P3 Murderous Magenta and Carnal Pink as a starting place for the layering.  The largest layer (50% of the surface area) was 1:1 Murderous Magenta and that mixture. The next layer (25%) was pure mixture.  I then highlighted the edges with 1:1 mixture and P3 Carnal Pink, with corner highlights of pure Carnal Pink.
The black areas were done the exact same way, substituting P3 Coal Black for Murderous Magenta and P3 Frostbite for Carnal Pink.
The original plan was to make him a more bubblegum pink, however my wife suggested I try the hot pink of the Murderous Magenta first and see how it looked.  She was right (as usual), I think the hot pink looks pretty damn good.
Here’s another picture from above:
The Ice Maul was a base of GW Ice Blue, followed by 2:1 Ice Blue to  GW Skull White, with 1:1 Ice Blue to Skull White in the very center.  The side parts were drybrushed with GW Enchanted Blue, and then a thin line of GW Regal Blue.  I then did just a bit of free hand to get those blue spikes pointing towards the center of the weapon. 

Let me know what you think!
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