How-to Tuesday: Trade on

I’ve been taking a break from modelry, so today’s How-to is all about, a…

Butcher vs Strakov @ 35pts

It was just one of those days.  The idiot cartographer had led them to the…

How-To Tuesday: Painting Pink Khador

Earlier this week, I was asked on the PP forums to elaborate more on my process…

Expanding on the 2-Player Set

Not long ago, I briefly discussed the awesome, new 2-player starter set.  Being a faction-a-holic,…

How-to Tuesday: Conventioneering

This is a new segment I’m going to try to do regularly.  It may be…

Making Time to Paint

Hi, readers!  This is the first of what will be many guest posts here on…

Shocktroopers: Plastic vs Metal 2

So, we’ve seen all the individual parts, but how do the models compare side by…

Shocktroopers: Plastic vs Metal

Just a few weeks ago, I picked up the new 2-player starter and got my…