Pink Demo Corp!

This week marks the tail end of the 25 pt level for the local Slow…

New Website!

Hello, and welcome to the new site! First, I apologize to anyone following via RSS…

Fixing Warped PP Plastics

So, last week saw the release of the 2-player Starter Box, which is chock full…

Pink Khador in Action!

Last Thursday and Today I was able to get a few games in with the…

15pt Pink Army

Well, here it is folks!  A fully painted 15pt army in Pink! I couldn’t stage…

Shocktroopers WIP3

Worked on metallics tonight.  This part really brings the scheme into focus.  While the black…

Shocktroopers WIP2

Spent more time today on the Shocktroopers.  I have the pinks highlighted up to the…

Shocktroopers WIP

Put in a few hours on the shocktroopers.  Sadly, not as much progress as I’d…