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15pt Pink Army

15pt Pink Army

Well, here it is folks!  A fully painted 15pt army in Pink!

I couldn’t stage them well in my light box, so I had to punt.  I used the same setup that I used when I took the Skorne Full Army shots not too long ago.  Unfortunately, the Butcher hides behind the Shocktroopers a little too well, so I had to elevate him.  My Master’s Brush Cleaner container was the perfect height, and some paper towel nicely hid it from view.
Here’s another shot from just a bit higher:
There are still a few details to polish up on the Shocktroopers.  I haven’t done anything to the Khador Anvils on their shoulderpads, nor the extra spikes on the Kapitan’s shoulderpad.  I also need to pick out all the screw heads with silver.
The ‘jacks could also use some free-hand on them, but I’m not sure what to do!  An Anvil would seem appropriate, since there’s no anvils anywhere on the plastic kits.  Should I free hand a pink one?  White?
Leave a suggestion in the comments below!
View Comments (2)
  • I'm going to side with white anvils. The battlegroup looks great. Did you already enter them in the paint it pink comp?

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