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Mugu: Painting Table Update

Mugu: Painting Table Update

Mugu’s back with an update on the models he’s been working on.  Looks like he’s been pretty productive!

Time for a painting table update since my last update was in early December.  I’ve managed to make most of my deadlines (or to be close enough that I might as well consider them achieved), though I still have a lot left to go and a few new things as well.

I attribute my success to the fact that I took my own advice and got at least one 10-15 minute (or less) quick painting session every day.  If you’ll recall, I also wondered how my plan was going to work out (basically painting in small mini sessions plus longer painting periods), and the verdict is: Great!  I know I’ve said it before, but those quick sessions really add up to be more useful than you might think.

Now on to the minis:

Model: Sisters of Battle Squad

(Games Workshop)

Due date: None

Notes: With the smaller/quick painting sessions, I was able to completely knock out the remainder of getting these squads finished and in the mail (as of about ten days ago).  Though I’m not 100% happy with the way everything turned out on/with them, he’s happy with the pictures and will hopefully be happy when he finally sees them in person.

Status/Progress: Done~!

Model: Soda & Candy for Super Dungeon Explore

(Soda Pop Miniatures)

Due date: 19 December & 23 December

Notes: One of my three painting challenges over at WAMP. It’s also my daughter’s birthday present to go along with the Super Dungeon Explore I got her for Christmas.

Status/Progress: Completed this model in time for her birthday.  In addition, I won my Wamp ladder challenge!   I had asked one of the nice guys over at Wamp (Odinsgrandson, who also happens to own Garden Ninja Studios) for some advice on painting those great anime style eyes as well as some other advice on dealing with chalky looking paint.

Model: Boo! Booty for Super Dungeon Explore

(Soda Pop Miniatures)


Due date: None

Notes: The first of the models from the game that are going to be painted.  My daughter wants to paint one and I’ll be painting the other.  We’re painting together and is really having fun so far.  Unfortunatley (depending on how you look at it) the models are so small that you can really only paint parts of it at a time before needing to set the model down to let everything dry.  Its been a lot of fun painting with her.  While I doubt she’ll ever fully get into my hobbies, its fun doing them with her while it lasts.

Status/Progress: Prepped, primed, wood areas have been basecoated and given a Devlin Mud wash.

Model: Nightmare

(Privateer Press)

Due date: 27 January 2012

Notes: A model I converted a while ago to be jumping/leaping. I’m going to enter this into WAMP’s WAMP II painting contest as well as a regular painting contest there as well. I’d also like to use this in my Cryx army more often and prefer to play with painted models.

Status/Progress: I only recently started working on the Nightmare again.  I dry fitted the torso to the right arm to see if I could just glue the thing together and start painting it, but the angle of the arm would get in the way of being able to paint some of the detail on the torso.  So I set aside the arm again and used straight black ink to go over the right side of the torso (I’m counting on dullcoating to knock off/down the shine).  The paint scheme is going to be straight out of the Cryx book for the most part, though mine will have more greys than just straight black (sounds like a good idea, right?).

Model: Wereshark Pirate

(Reaper Miniatures)

Due date: 3 January 2012

Notes: My third challenge over at WAMP.

Status/Progress: Done!  The ladder challenge is currently being voted on, but I think I’m going to be outdone by my challenger’s wonderful theme.  Feel free to take a look!

Model: Soulhunters

(Privateer Press)


Due date: None (but before TempleCon)

Notes: I want to use a Witch Coven Tier list at TempleCon that allows me to use two units of Soulhunters ’cause I think it will be fun and unexpected.

Status/Progress: I received my second unit of soulhunters and have played with both units.  I recently glued the few loose ones to their bases and numbered them to make them easy to identify.  I need to reattach missing arms and legs and may reprime where necessary.

Model: Darragh Wrathe

(Privateer Press)


Due date: None (but before TempleCon)

Notes: I want to use a Witch Coven Tier list at TempleCon that allows me to use two units of Soulhunters and I want to use Darragh Wrathe in there as well to give at least one unit incorporial.

Status/Progress: I just dont like Darragh’s death pony over all.  I love the head and the ribcage area, but that’s it.  My apologies to whomever the sculptor is, but  I just don’t like it.  So, when I first got it, I chopped it up…..and it has sat in its blister waiting for a replacement.  So after chopping it up, I’ve come to the realization that it just might take more time than I really want to use because Darragh’s lower body is part of the death pony itself (hence the need to chop it up) and if I can’t cut the remaining and make it look good on his new steed (either E-Alexia’s horse or another horse I picked up someplace), then I’m going to modify his unhorsed version to sit on a steed.  Wish me luck, lots and lots of patience and no blood loss.

Model: Carnivean

(Privateer Press)

Due date: None

Notes: This is a gift I started early in the year for a friend in southern California.  Its really close to being finished. Okay, after taking the model off the shelf I had it on, its clearly not even close to being finished, BUT at least the skin is mostly done.

Status/Progress: This past Saturday, I met with a group of friends at my LGS (Huzzah Hobbies) for our first painting session and I was able to do a bit of shading on the big guy.

View Comments (2)
  • These are great! Really like the Yellowish sisters. I can’t wait to see the finished nightmare. The eyes for your Soda Pop mini are fantastic. Would love to know what you did?

    • Thanks! The gold armor on those sisters was definately a learning process as I’d never before painted entirely gold armor before. It also took me several tries before I was able to find a gold I liked. I’d never really thought about the gold colors that I had before.

      The anime eyes weren’t too hard to do, but did take some patience. Were you looking for a write up or a how-to?

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