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Mugu’s TempleCon Picture Extravaganza 1

Mugu’s TempleCon Picture Extravaganza 1

While I’m dealing with time away from the hobby desk due to vacation, overtime at work and have no material to discuss due to complete failure to accomplish anything lately, Mugu’s here to the rescue with part ! of a multi-part special on Templecon.

Faithful readers, as you probably know, Plarzoid, Ken, and I have returned from the chilly wilds of Rhode Island and survived might TempleCon 2012.  I think I definitely made up for not having been to gaming convention in years!  I had a blast, played at least four months worth of Warmachine games in three days,  got to see folks in lots of cool and interesting steampunk, pirate, and other costumes, and got to just relax and have a great time.    This will be the first of three posts, this one will show off some of the Warmachine boards available to play on.  There were several others, but off course there were times were I just forgot to take any pics at all (very silly of me).  Enjoy!

The Scrapyard

The Scrapyard was the first game and first theme board I played on at TempleCon.  The railcars full of scrap metal could be pushed by warjacks into/over other models.  As you’ll see in my next post, I forgot about that little rule…

A Tea Party

One of the boards I didn’t get to play on; the idea was for the attacker to try to destroy the crates on the pier and ship (IIRC) in order to try to win by scenario.

Cavern Board

The Cavern board (or old mines, it might have been called) was fun to play on.  AOE weapons that missed had a chance of causing a cave-in (several did happen), you couldn’t use arcing fire weapons to arc fire, and the black discs on the table were bottomless pits.

Ummm......Stone Pillar Board?

I call this the Stone Pillar Board, but I didn’t get to play on it and the pic I took of the name didn’t turn out.  Another board I didn’t get to play on.

Road to Berck

The Road to Berck board looked like fun (Plarzoid got to play on this board, I didn’t).  While I’m not completely sure, I think one player had to essentially block the pass and keep the opposing player from getting through.

Correct.  The player on the cliff side had one game size fewer points to play with (I had 35, my opponent had 50), and to win, I had to last 5 rounds, and still have a model inside the ravine.  If they got any models into the ravine, it was game over.

Cyriss Temple

The Cyriss Temple board is another that looked pretty cool to play on, though I have no idea what the scenario was supposed to be.  I didn’t play on this one either.

Beach Assault

The Beach Assault board was really popular.   From what I recall the assaulting player got more points to add to his army as the defending player had a nice sturdy bunker to hide behind/in.  Yes, another one I didn’t get to play on.

Well. that’s all the boards that I have decent pictures of.  There was a Corvis City block board, two ice boards, at least one trench warfare board, a cool graveyard board, a loading dock/construction board, and many others I cant recall at the moment.  The themed boards were in high demand and as the con and days went on, they were that much harder to get on unless you got lucky.

Have you built any themed boards?

Are any of the ones I took pictures of, one you helped build?

What do you think of themed boards?

View Comments (2)
  • I built the Hallowed Ground (graveyard) board. I have more pictures up in the Hobby page of my blog. It’s too bad that you didn’t get to play on it, as I had hoped that I could get some good feedback after the fact!

  • The Hallowed Ground board seemed really popular, so I didn’t have a chance to get on it. Timing seemed to be everything when getting onto any of the themed boards. How long did it take you to make? And now I have another great blog to read! I really like your purple and white Circle army – all your blog is missing is a good dash of Cryx goodness 😉

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