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Green Goblin House Shyeel Magister

Green Goblin House Shyeel Magister

Continuing the trend of holiday gift models, I give you the Green Goblin House Shyeel Magister.


More pics and recipes after the break.




  • Basecoat: Gnarls Green
  • Shade: Cryx Bane Base
  • Highlight: Necrotite Green


  • Basecoat: Beaten Purple
  • Shade: 50/50 Beaten Purple and Thamarite Black
  • Highlight: 50/50 Beaten Purple and Menoth White Base

Orange Glow:

  • Watered down Morrow White into the recesses
  • Watered down Ember Orange into the recesses
  • Straight Ember Orange onto the orbs
  • Cygnus Yellow (2 coats) onto the orbs
  • Reclaim some of the green with the basecoat, fixing any out of control bits

*mic drop*

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