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Aquablight Test Scheme: Part 3

Aquablight Test Scheme: Part 3

Playing with some color now.

I knew I wanted to try out P3’s Exile Blue as a shade. I’d like it to be the majority shade, so I’m aiming for it to be all beasty aqua bits, and likely cloth. Here, I’ve applied it to one wing of the Harrier. You can see how much just the shade helps the 3-dimensionality of the wing.


I’ve also been considering P3’s Coal Black for shading. I think since it’s aqua in it’s own way, it’ll very much act like a shadow. The Exile Blue could be a shadow, it could be a natural coloration in the beast’s flesh/chitin. The coal black, though, should leave no doubt. I’m trying it out here on the Legionnaire’s padded (leather?) armor.


Highlights are important, and to keep the padded armor from being too dark, I’m using P3’s Arcane Blue. This does two things. It lets me highlight the areas that are catching the light, and because it’s closer to blue than green in the aqua scale, it balances the more green Coal Black.


What do you think so far?

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