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Aquablight Test Scheme: Part 4

Aquablight Test Scheme: Part 4

Had some time this weekend to work on miniatures.  The amount of progress made vs time put in isn’t what I’d like it to be, but given how organic and iterative the process of working out a scheme can be, I’m still happy with where I am.

Most of the work fell to the Shepherd and Legionnaire.  I had an idea for the feathers, and it took a bit of work to make it happen.


Since I can’t use the few pots of old GW washes I have (which would have been perfect for this), I had to make my own.  I used a roughly 3 or 4:1 mix of water to P3 Exile Blue, and washed the P3 Meredius Blue basecoat on the feathers.  I then picked out each feather Meredius Blue, and then highlighted the tip of each feather with a roughly 1:1 mix of Meredius Blue and P3 Arcane Blue.

The same method was applied to the Legionnaire:


The Legionnaire’s skirt bit was shaded with a 1:1 mix of Meredius Blue and P3 Sanguine base.  This is a very tempremental mix, and doesn’t take much to shift it more red or more purple-y.  I started with a more purple mix, but it wasn’t dark enough, and I added more Sanguine Base and got something darker and more in the red realm than blue.


So, overall, the Legionnaire is now shaded with three different hues – Coal Black on the padded armor.  Exile Blue on the feathers, and Sanguine Base on the skirt.

Can you spot the difference?

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