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Lylyth tweak

Lylyth tweak

So, I decided that I really, really didn’t care for the yellow in Lylyth’s hair.  It looked like a bumble bee, and the yellow just didn’t fit with her look.  So, I whited out the yellow, used an Asurman Blue wash to cool the hair and then carefully picked out the hair strands in white.  The result is loads better.

I also didn’t care for how the feathers looked like an afterthought – they were simply outlined in white.  So, I used the same wash to essentially ink their borders and darken them a bit.  Then, I went back over the white outlines.  The contrast is much sharper, and the eye is drawn a bit more towards the feathers.  Again, I think the model looks better.  Here’s the shot:

This was the focus tonight – fixing Lylyth. There are still a few details to pick out – the doodads hanging from her waist, a wash and re-highlight on the armor, and something on the quiver. I’m also debating a bit of grey dusting around the edges of her cloak to weather it a bit since it’s so tattered.

  • What you think about these changes to Lylyth?
  • What wash you think would look best on the armor: blue, black, brown or red?
  • Should I weather the cloak?

As an added incentive to post a comment, here’s a teaser for what’s next!

View Comments (7)
  • I dont know if it's the primer or camera angle, but the metals on her armor seem a little gritty? Did you drybrush the armor or solid coat?

  • It's just a wet drybrush. It needs a wash and highlight still. I'm also not sure if I'll leave them filled in, or blackout the interior panels. What do you think about the color?

  • I really like the color, it's not the typical blue-ish hue you normally see, nor a bright metallic silver. Kinda has the burnished battle worn look, i like it. I think maybe with a small wash and highlight, it'll make it pop really good and give it the desired effect.

  • Thanks! I'm debating between black and brown for the wash – I think brown may work better with the brassy / worn feel. I'm afraid black will be just too dark and sooty.

  • You definitely need to weather the cloak – look at how tattered the edges are in the model. That's a very well-worn cloak.

  • I very much like the finished product. The "wash" you performed resulted in a much more impressive figurine. Nice Job, nice attention to detail. I like the fact that you are not afraid to try new techniques to achieve a more cosmetic result. Colleen

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