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Road to Templecon: Painting Update #4

Road to Templecon: Painting Update #4

… and they’re done. Well, 99.9%, anyway. Butcher needs arcane glows and fire in the boiler, and the WGI Standard still needs decoration, but that’s about it.

Here’s the Butcher, in all his splendor…


Standard needs freehand, but I’m attending Meg Maple’s class this weekend, and I’m going to pick her brain on the best way to go about doing Freehand painting. I’d like to use the heraldry from the Unbreakable 111th, but it’s rather complicated…


Ah, the pup. I went with a Rottweiler as the breed, because it seemed appropriate, and let me cheat because it was already primed black.


I’m definitely not on schedule. I still have 7 more WGI (4 plus 3 WAs), Joe, the full 12 IFP, the Kovnik and Vlad1.

Looking ahead…

I won’t be taking models with me on the holiday break, I never seem to get good results when I do, and I have a programming project that’s due at Templecon also, so that has to get done sometime. As a result, the hobby articles will be slow for the next three weeks or so. Unfortunately, work must come before play

That said, when I need a break, I think I’d like to finish the WGI, since I’m already decently invested in them. I may even shift over to doing Sorscha2’s NQ theme, which features three Mortar Crews…


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