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Skorne Savage WIP

Skorne Savage WIP

Well, today was my day off, so I spent most of it juggling laundry, an EVE trial account, and this…

I made a glaze with Liquitex Matte Medium and Blood red.  I put down about 3 layers to get close to pure Blood Red.  I then highlighted the edges of the leg armor, upper back armor and helmet with pure Blood Red. The Darker red enameled armor is a base of Boltgun Metal, then 2 layers of Dwarf Bronze.  I then used Ogryn Flesh wash to darken the edges of the enameled areas.  They all got a healthy Baal Red wash to achieve the effect.

I still need to paint his undergarmets (pants, shirt, gloves) as well as pick an accent color for his sash.  There’s no depth to his weapon either – the color variations in the photos is completely natural.  It looks pretty bland in person.  Lastly, the base needs attention, but I’ll do them all at once.

Suggestions for what to put on the back banner?
View Comments (3)
  • Just write it in Skorne script – think how funny it would be for those that figure it out!

    The mini looks great and I'm a fan of using washes to achieve some great effects.

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