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How-to Tuesday: Easy Templates

How-to Tuesday: Easy Templates

I apologize for the lack of updates recently.  I’ve been busy with other life related things, and a general break from painting.   I’m hoping a break over the holidays will fill up the ol’ motivation tanks!

I’m out of town over Thanksgiving, so I’m lining up some more guest posts while I’m gone.  The last one sparked some good conversation, and the next ones should too!

There’s loads to look forward to and I’m excited about the future.  There’s terrain stuff, Clash armies, some theory crafting and even some electronics brewing!

 I hope you’re as excited about this stuff as I am!


Check out whitestar333‘s tutorial on using blisters for wreck markers and wall templates.  It’s so simple, and costs nothing.

You can take this idea in several directions including basing the templates with parts (molds of, or spares) and flock to match your favorite table or to match your army.

Most of my ‘jacks are magnetized, so I just pull off arms when they are destroyed, but doing something like this would make some excellent scenery to use instead.  Especially when painted up to match the army they go with.  It’s that sort of thing that kicks the gaming experience up a notch, and makes it immensely more fun for you and your opponent.

This is the first of many terrain related things I’m going to be focusing on in the future.  My current terrain setup consists of felt cutouts (green for forests, brown for hills, black for water / fences / buildings), and while that’s easy to move around and maintain, it looks horrible.  Especially for demos.

Gareson, over at Iron Kingdoms at War, has some great Youtube videos detailing area terrain and a fabulous Cygnaran shooting range.

Gareson's Cygnar Shooting Range

Also, check out the Terrainthralls site and their tutorial section.

What types would you like to see done?  Have a great terrain idea, but aren’t sure how to pull it off?

Let me know in the comments below!

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  • Hey thanks for the shout-out! I’m glad you liked my little tutorial. I must admit that I felt a little embarrassed that I didn’t think of it sooner but I’m really pleased now that I can A) recycle to save the environment and B) save some $$$. Having played with them, they are far superior to most products out there because they are simultaneously flexible and rugged, and they allow you to customize them however you see fit.

    Oh and if you want to look at some ideas for terrain, I’ll be finishing a 4-part series on me making my own warmachine table over on my blog too!

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